Saturday, January 19, 2008

We are the Pirates who don't do anything...

... we just stay at home and lie around.

We took the twins to see their very first movie in the theaters today and what a great first it was. We went with the Tulumalos and took up like half the theater! In case you couldn't figure it out we saw The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. We all had fun - it is one of those movies that has added humor for the parents too. (Can anyone find the Terminator reference?? Chad and I did.)

After, the Tulumalos came over for pizza and FUN. So the junk food count for the day was:
  1. popcorn
  2. lollipops
  3. pizza
  4. potato chips (regular AND bbq)
  5. chocolate chip cookies

I think tomorrow I need to get to the store and load up on fresh fruits and veggies.

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