Sunday, January 20, 2008

James's Aunt Day

Today was James's Aunt Day and I was a little nervous at first. I mean I hate taking him to the mall so I thought why would my sisters want to take him there. But then again there are three of them and no other kids. They had thought about taking him to one of those indoor playground/gym type places but we went to a birthday party at one of those places recently and he had some over stimulation issues. So we decided that he would have the same "day" as Kayla. So they came and picked him up and took him to the mall and he had a great time!
Guess what he made? Go ahead, I'll give you a minute to think about it...... Give up? He made a Shrek. Which makes perfect sense to me (though my sisters were a bit confused at his excitement). He has been watching Shrek almost everyday for the past week or so and loves it. When I say watch though what I mean is that he puts the DVD in and starts the movie and then does other things while it plays in the background. But I digress. So he made his new Shrek (which - if you have never been to BAB - takes about 5 minutes) and they told him that he could pick out some accessories. Well here is what he wanted... Not clothes for Shrek but a Shrek baby! It really was cute the way that he told me all about it.
Now I have to say that I had my reservations about this as well because the first time that we took him there he took about two steps inside the place and had a visual over stimulation meltdown like none we had seen before. But my sisters said that he did great. Next they took him to ride on those eat all your quarters mechanical rides. That may not seem special except that we NEVER let them do that. Instead we let them play on the "mat" - one of those interactive advertising things. (The mat and projector respond to the places that you step.)

After that they took him to the toy store and let him pick out a few things. This is also where the beauty that lives inside my Minis comes through. I must say that I can't remember what he chose for himself but this is what he got for Kayla. A Tinkerbell Inflatable Chair. She was so excited she really couldn't contain herself. The very next morning the first thing she wanted done was to have me blow it up. (Thank goodness we had one of those balloon pump things or I might have passed out!) It is currently displayed proudly in Kayla's room. And she will gladly tell you that her brother got it for her. I know that he can be a huge pain to his sister but I also know that deep down he loves her, he just has a hard time expressing it.

Then he got to go to Wendy's and get a Kid's Meal and eat or not eat any or all of it! I can only imagine what was going on in his head as his aunt's didn't make him eat his chicken but instead let him eat his oranges first and then his french fries and nothing else! But let's be honest he got to make a great memory and we got a day with just 2 kids again!

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