Monday, January 7, 2008

Sweeter Words Were Never Spoken

Kayla really is shaping up to be the most compassionate and considerate child ever. On Friday David had pretty much reached the point where he couldn't continue to work he was so sick. So he called me to say that he was leaving work early to go to the doctor. He was home by the time that Kayla got up from her nap and she was excited to see him. Later that afternoon when I was making dinner I asked Kayla what she wanted to eat. Her response to me was, "Maybe Daddy should have some soup. That will make him feel better." She made a point of making sure that David knew this idea. He and I just looked at each other with amazement.

Then today after I picked the twins up from school I put John down to sleep. I then came out to the kitchen to empty the dishwasher. Well, of course John decided that he wasn't really asleep. So I went back in to the bedroom to help him back to sleep. Next thing I know, I hear these little feet pad into my room. Then Kayla says, "Mom, can I empty the dishwasher?" "Sure honey, but remember just the plastic things." When I came out of my bedroom she had placed every plastic dish and cup on the counter and was starting to "put away" the silverware.

My question is if this is the core of her spirit then where does the whining come from???
Don't get me wrong I am super grateful for her compassionate spirit I just wish that this was her attitude when her brother wants to play with her doll house.
(This is a photo of Kayla and my cousin Nicole at our family's Cousins' Christmas Party. When you have this many cousins you need to have a special party!)

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