Friday, January 4, 2008

4-Month Old

I took John to the doctor this morning for his 4 month check up. As usual he was his regular charming self. He had the nurse and the doctor cracking up. The great part is that John is now 13.5 lbs and 25 inches. This coupled with the fact that he has excellent neck control and can put things in his mouth on his own means that he is a good candidate for solids. So we will probably start this weekend. I am excited because that means he is growing up. I know that most people say, "Oh if they would only stay this small..." but I really enjoy watching them grow and develop.

On another development note John is teething... big time. He is an absolute drool factory and loves to jam his entire fist into his mouth. Can't wait... I'll try to take pictures of it when it comes in.

Oh, and I almost forgot, John is almost completely rolling over from back to belly. Most of the time he gets to his side and decides to stay and play but sometimes he will go over completely. Crawling here we come!

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