Monday, January 7, 2008

Note to Readers

Just a note to my faithful readers (read: family and friends):

First: This is a photo of David taken on Christmas Eve Eve while preparing for the various crazy events that were coming down the barrel. Those are reindeer antlers that James made in school.

Second: I am trying something new on my blog. You will notice in the lower right corner of my blog ads will begin to appear. This is in an attempt to get some revenue from this fun adventure that we are on. Click or don't click, just wanted to let you know.

1 comment:

SARAH said...

Saw your comment on Dawns blog. you were asking about julians carepage. go to
create a log in name for yourself. then click visit a carepage. type in juliansworld no spaces between the words. it will take you to his page. you have to creat a profile before you can see his page.

hope that helps.
have a great day