Dave's Grandpop has been really sick - he has been in and out of the hospital a bunch of times over the past couple of months. (PLEASE PRAY!) So he and his dad decided to take a trip to FL to visit him (perhaps for the last time). (= a little crazy) Dave flew out at the ***-crack of dawn on Friday morning. Thankfully Kathy (Dave's mom) was able to come Friday morning to help get the twins ready for school. And God love her she did a ton of laundry! Oh, but I forgot to mention that I didn't get to bed until about 2 am Thursday night and was up at 6 am with James. (I'll help with the math. I got 4 hours of sleep.) Then while the twins are at school John broke through his first tooth. (Yea, the screaming should subside for awhile.)
Kayla has had this cough for a few days but what Preschooler doesn't have a cough from November through March??? So when she had trouble sleeping we weren't surprised. (= a little crazier) But then Sunday night she got up at about midnight complaining that her ears hurt and upon further investigation we found that her throat was swollen to almost twice its size. (= even crazier) She wouldn't go to sleep without my sitting by her side so at 2 am when she was still awake and I was practically falling asleep sitting up I took some cushions off the couch and slept on her floor. I got about 4-5 hours of sleep.
While all of this is going on in her room... I can hear John wailing in my room with David. I want to go help but then I would have a second crying kid. The next morning I found out that John had cut his second tooth! (The twins got most of their teeth early and in pairs, too.)
I took Kayla to the Doctor yesterday morning and the rapid strep test came back negative the Dr said he thinks that it is a viral infection which will probably get worse before it gets better and will probably take 4-5 days to clear up. She showed a little bit of fluid in her right ear but no infection. We are waiting to hear back from the throat culture (on Wed) whether or not it really is strep throat (which is very uncommon at this age). So Kayla will be home probably all week from school trying to get better. (=craziest)
Though it may sound strange please pray that she might have strep because then it can be treated with antibiotics and can be healed faster.