Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day, Happy 6 Months, Happy Magic Nuudles

Just a quick note. Today is Leap Day. Is that what they call it? I know that this is a Leap Year but what is the official name for February 29th?... According to Wikipedia I am right! I actually have a friend whose birthday is today... Happy Birthday Jane N!!! What are you now? Like 10!

Today is also John's 6 month marker... WOW that has gone by fast. So let's see what does he do??? He has had 2 teeth for about a month and a half, he can pick up just about anything and stick it in his mouth, he LOVES his Exersaucer and I think I forgot to mention that he started rolling over last week. (It's not like I haven't had about a hundred other things happening too.) He is also eating like crazy. He has been eating solids for 2 months and LOVES his bananas. And through it all he is always laughing and smiling. I will let you all know what his stats are after his doctors appt next week. So stay tuned...

Magic Nuudles, what are those you ask? And didn't you spell it wrong? NO! They are this really cool product that look kind of like packing peanuts but are biodegradable and stick together when they get a little wet. Well Kayla and I had some fun creating with them today and this is her final creation:

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