Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day, Happy 6 Months, Happy Magic Nuudles

Just a quick note. Today is Leap Day. Is that what they call it? I know that this is a Leap Year but what is the official name for February 29th?... According to Wikipedia I am right! I actually have a friend whose birthday is today... Happy Birthday Jane N!!! What are you now? Like 10!

Today is also John's 6 month marker... WOW that has gone by fast. So let's see what does he do??? He has had 2 teeth for about a month and a half, he can pick up just about anything and stick it in his mouth, he LOVES his Exersaucer and I think I forgot to mention that he started rolling over last week. (It's not like I haven't had about a hundred other things happening too.) He is also eating like crazy. He has been eating solids for 2 months and LOVES his bananas. And through it all he is always laughing and smiling. I will let you all know what his stats are after his doctors appt next week. So stay tuned...

Magic Nuudles, what are those you ask? And didn't you spell it wrong? NO! They are this really cool product that look kind of like packing peanuts but are biodegradable and stick together when they get a little wet. Well Kayla and I had some fun creating with them today and this is her final creation:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Transitions Part 2

For all of you who were wondering how James has faired after a week of the "new plan" I thought that I would send out a followup post. Tuesday and Wednesday were extremely difficult. I don't think that we could have ever been prepared for the struggle that James had. Yes, he had many transition "inspired" meltdowns in the past but those are almost completely gone and when he does have difficulty with a transition or change now he can usually navigate through it with much more ease. I reread my post about Tuesday and I don't think that I was able to capture the extreme level of difficulty that he had and I am still not sure that I could. The frustration and meltdowns continued on Wednesday. His exhaustion worsened and on Thursday he was soooo exhausted that after returning from picking Kayla up from school he just lost it. He burst into tears and couldn't even stand up. I asked him if he wanted to eat lunch (our new normal time) and he just sobbed "No!" So now I am panicking because it is 11:15 and his bus comes some time between 11:50 and noon. What does he want? What do I need to do to make this easier? So I asked him if he wanted to take a nap or eat lunch and go to school. He screamed nap. So I reminded him that if he took a nap that he wouldn't go to school and he just pointed to his room. So I put him to bed without lunch and called the bus company and his school to let them know that he was not coming to school. He took a somewhat short nap but it definitely helped. The of course there was no school Friday because we got about 6 inches of snow!

So Friday night Dave and I went into crisis recovery mode and decided on a new schedule. (I should also mention that Kayla was soooo much less than pleased with this new schedule. She didn't like the idea that she was napping by herself and I think that she was jealous that James was getting one-on-one time with me while she was at school and while he was at school she was having to nap.) Now James gets special Mommy Time in the morning while Kayla is at school. Then after we pick her up we have lunch and hang out until the bus comes. Once he comes home we unpack and read a story and then everyone gets a nap - including John. Kayla loves this new nap time. She is always tired by then (3 pm). James doesn't always nap but he has to rest in his darkened quiet room. And Mommy gets a much needed respite from the crazies!

It means an adjustment on my part and rethinking the way that we used to do certain things. It is also going to require us (Dave and me) to think about when and how we participate in certain events. But I think that this will be the best thing that we can do for everyone in our family.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Today marked another big day in the Gater household. James went back to school today (after the 4 day weekend) and joined the 4-year-old class in the afternoon instead of the 3-year-old class that he had been in during the mornings. The decision was difficult and easy to come to at the same time for David and me. Difficult because it is hard to know what will be the best placement for him. Is the time of the class going to be a problem since it means that he definitely won't be napping anymore? Will the fact that we will still drop Kayla off in the morning but then not go to his school as per the usual cause him to melt down? Will the change affect one or more of the rest of us? Easy because we knew he needed a change and that something had to give.

So we chose this solution... for now. And yes, the answer is yes to all the above questions. It has been a very difficult day and James has not been adjusting well at all. Things that were once easy, no-brainer tasks are met with absolute refusal and claims like "I can't!" or "I don't want to!" He is also exhausted. Getting up as early as he does (sometimes as early as 6:00) and then having no nap or rest time has caused a very early bedtime tonight of 7:30.

Hopefully this will all smooth out over time otherwise we may be in for a very long, very cranky year. Please continue to pray for all of us as we adjust. Please also pray that if there is a better placement for James available out there somewhere that we would find out and make a way for him to be there. But for now we are hopeful that the older classmates (most are 4 and some are 5) plus the more advanced Kindergarten readiness objectives in the classroom will offer James the stimulation that he desires. And as usual any suggestions or assistance are greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

John is Teething so We Have to Change His Socks Like 3x a Day

This is what I said to a friend yesterday and it totally cracked her up. So I thought that I would post a little proof. John has been teething (#3) and also has his first ear infection. We started the first round of amoxycillin today. So sad... 5 months old and already needing antibiotics. : (