Monday, November 19, 2007

What the...?

So I woke up this morning to SNOW! Can you believe it? Not just flurries of little tiny flakes but big, fat golf ball sized flakes. The kids (especially Kayla) were so excited. All they could talk about was the fact that it was winter. I had the hardest time explaining that just because it was snowing didn't make it winter.

But seriously 8 years ago tomorrow Dave and I got married and it was 72 degrees and everyone was wearing short sleeves. Now today it was about 34 degrees and SNOWING!

The last time I remember it snowing here before Thanksgiving was like 86 or 87. I remember because my Dad had come up for Thanksgiving and we were at my aunt's house playing in like a foot of snow. Does anyone else remember that?

Well, it seems to have finally stopped and it only really stuck to the grass but still... what the...?

1 comment:

CBevan said...

Happy Anniversary you guys!!!!