John David was born today at 11:03 am. He was 7.5 lbs. and 20 inches. But let me back up a bit...
We have had a particularly easy pregnancy. I had very little "morning sickness" which consisted mainly of a bit of nausea in month 2. (This by the way is what prompted the pregnancy test in the first place!) He was a very active little bugger. It was at about 8 1/2 months that we had an ultrasound and discovered that he was no longer head down. This prompted us to schedule a c-section for Monday, August 20. (This date would have been great since our anniversary is November 20 and the twins b-day is May 20.) We had talked with the doctor who was going to do the surgery and she said that before we do the surgery she wanted to just do a quick scan to make sure that he was still head up. So we go to the hospital that morning and they get me all prepped for surgery - and I mean all prepped! I had the IV started, the catheter in and had been shaved! (Was that TMI?) The anesthesiologist had come in to talk with us and we were told we were heading into surgery in about 5 minutes. I reminded the nurse that the doc had wanted to do a scan before the surgery so the doc came in with the US machine and wouldn't you know that he had completely turned and was now head down again.
So we decided since we were already there and only 4 days from our due date that we would try to induce labor. The put me on a pitocin drip and I laid in that hospital room for approximately 7 hours. After all that time had passed and I still wasn't having any real labor we decided to go home. That was an interesting arrival home. We had told the twins that we were going to have the baby that day and then we came hoe with nothing! So we tried to explain to them that the baby wasn't ready to come out of mommy yet.
I went back to the doctor for a check up a couple of days alter and he was still head down and so we waited for labor to begin naturally. By the Monday after his due date (8/27) he was still not here and I wasn't anywhere near labor so we decided (for a bunch of other reasons that I won't get into) to have the c-section. Cause lets face it when you are that pregnant and it is that hot all you want is for that baby to be out of you!
So we scheduled the surgery for Wednesday morning and this time I wasn't coming home without my boy! So we headed to the hospital that morning and a couple of hours later we had our sweet, sweet boy in our arms. Let me just say that this time the surgery and recovery were SOOOOO much easier than last time. With the twins I couldn't get out of bed for 2 days this time I was out of bed by dinner time the same day. With the twins I stayed in the hospital as long as possible 4 days. With John I was home in just over 48 hours. I had a shorter recovery time in the recovery room, a better response to the anesthesia and this time I actually had some success breastfeeding.
My mom stayed with me in the hospital the first night so that Dave could be home to put the twins to bed - we wanted to try to maintain some normalcy for them. Then Dave came to the hospital Thursday morning for a few hours and then went to work! (We had so few vacation days left and wanted to use them wisely.) My friends Mary and Amy and my mother in law Kathy came at various points that day to keep me company and then Dave returned to the hospital that night after putting the twins to bed. He stayed with me that night and then left the next morning pretty early so that he could be home when the twins got up. Dave stayed home to play with the twins and my step dad and sister Kat came to the hospital to help me pack up - I was going home whether the doctors liked it or not. Then around 5pm Dave and the twins came to the hospital. This was the first time that the twins were meeting the baby. We got some great pictures and video. Then we ALL went back to our house where my other sisters and my mom all came over for dinner. It was a nice home coming!
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